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Away for the Day

Hull MS: 'Away for the Day' Personal Device Policy

Hull MS recognizes the importance of communication and collaboration and will provide Chromebook devices for all students to be productive in the classroom and at home. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce distractions, Hull MS will implement and enforce the 'AWAY FOR THE DAY' Personal Device Policy:

  • Cell phones, all mobile devices and earbuds should be SILENCED or TURNED OFF when entering school campus.
  • Social Media, Texting, videotaping, photographs are not permitted anytime during the school day.
  • Cell phones, all mobile devices and earbuds should be away for the day and not visible at anytime during the day.
  • Cell phones and all mobile devices are not allowed to be used in the cafeteria, library, common areas, or restrooms. Cell phones and all mobile devices are not allowed to be used during transition times or between classes.
  • Cell phones and all mobile devices can be turned on after students have arrived at their transportation site if they need to reach their parents.
  • If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, he or she may go to the front office or use the phones housed in every classroom, after receiving permission from the teacher.
  • The local school/district is not responsible for any damaged, lost, or stolen electronic device.
Not adhering to away for the day expectations can result in consequences